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What a beautiful day this was. She beamed the entire day. It was more emotional than I thought. The preparations started months in advance. My sister Tonya took her baptism pictures and then after me making several different invitations, Tonya said let me just make her one. They turned out beautiful. We told Kelbee that she could have anyone speak and she chose her very best friend...Branson. Branson spoke on baptism. It honestly could not have been more sweet. He spoke about his baptismal experience. Tears were streaming down my face from the moment he opened his sweet mouth. I loved watching him and when it was time for him to read a scripture, he would fold up his paper, stick it in his pocket, open his scriptures, read from them, close them back up, zip them up, reach in his pocket and unfold the paper. He did it twice. All I could see was him in 11 years preaching the gospel and speaking just like this at someone else's baptism. She was baptized and confirmed by Todd. She was floating on air when she came out of the water. Brie and my friend Alisha helped hurry and dry and curl her hair. Two of my good friends in our previous ward did a fabulous job on the musical number. They sang "What Heaven Sees In You." There was not a dry eye in that room. Jamie spoke on the Holy Ghost and as usual delivered fabulously. I just love that girl. Our Bishop did a phenomenal job. Afterward we celebrated with a dessert bar...Kelbee's favorite desserts. We had a video playing of her growing up through the years. I can't believe that time has gone by so fast. I remember when I was younger and old people saying that time flies the older you get. It's so true. Some days seem to drag on but clumped together the years are flying by. She loves to be with her friends. Sometimes I have to remind her that she is still only eight.
But it is so fun to watch her spread her wings.