My Favorite "Valentines" Present I've ever received!

Little Chubbers-He Weighed In @ 8 lbs 4 oz-More Than A Pound Bigger Than Any Of My Girls

Being Checked By The Nurse In The Nursery

It Took More Than 20 Minutes For Me To Be Able To Hold Him...
When he came out he wouldn't cry. I could see the time on the incubator ticking and I thought he wasn't breathing. I looked at Todd and asked him what the heck was going on. He said he's fine and that his lungs are clear but that he just won't cry. They spanked him and gave him a Vitamin K shot but he still wouldn't make a peep. They looked at me and told me not to worry but that they were going to call the respiratory therapist. She came down and tried everything and they came to the conclusion that he's just like his dad...content with whatever!!

Todd Finally Has His Little Boy!!!!
I'm so in love with this boy! It all started on Tuesday the 9th when I went to my Dr.'s appointment. He said I was at a 4 and had a bulging bag (couldn't he come up with a better way to put it?) He said that if I didn't have the baby on my own that night that he wanted me at the hospital in the morning so he could break my water on the way to the office. We brought the girls up to Cindy's to sleepover and then went to my parents so Todd and my dad could give me a blessing. After the blessing my mom looked at me and said "You look really uncomfortable, are you in labor?" I was just like of course I am that's why I look like I'm about to have the biggest turd ever! She said that I should just go to the hospital, but I didn't have any of my bags. My dad mentioned something about malts and Todd wanted to just stick around. My mom looked at him and said "Why don't you go home and get everything, Krysta can rest and when you get back the malts will be done." He booked it out the door. So I sat down on the recliner in the living room and talked to Mitch about his night. (It was about 11:15). I closed my eyes and held my breath because I was having a wicked contraction. He looked at me like I was totally crazy and asked what the heck was wrong with me. I looked at him and said I'm in labor. He freaked out and I couldn't help but laugh. Until that moment he thought you could only be in labor at the hospital. We got to the hospital at about 12:30 and admitted me right away. At about 3:45 I was at a 6 and Dr. Holmes came and broke my water. Ten minutes later the nurse came in and said that she had to put monitors inside me because the baby was in distress. Turns out it was because I was already at a 9. Right before Dr. Holmes broke my water I started to throw up. I couldn't sit up because of my epidural and I had my hand covering my mouth. He looked at me and asked if I was coughing or throwing up. My eyes got huge and he jumped up trying to find something for me. He was yelling at Todd to wake up and get me a bag. As always he came to my rescue! They waited for about an hour and then five pushes later my handsome little angel was born! Wyatt Todd Knudsen weighed in @ 8 lbs 4 oz and was 20 1/2 in long. His cheeks are the best. They droop just a little from the excess of chubs on them. He smells so wonderful and I honestly can't get enough of him! Todd couldn't be more proud. I love watching him with Wyatt. There is a certain look in his eyes that he gets every time he holds him. We're trying to soak in every last bit of it...since we're praying that he is the caboose!