Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Prophet Said To Plant A Garden

How hot are we?...after planting a garden on the hottest day of the year. Durh!

The beginnings of our garden

Doesn't it look professional. It rained so much over the last couple weeks that we haven't had to water it. I'm scared to go over and see the weeds to veggie ratio.


Danielle said...

Good for you guys! That's hard work!

Tabitha said...

That looks like fun! I wish I loved near by...

Ariana said...

Way to go guys! Gardens are awesome. One thing though--take your hot caps off (if you haven't already) with this heat...the plants will bake inside there. :)

Tonya said...

Oh my gosh! ha ha I just pulled up your blog to show my family and I saw the pic of us and said "oh no she didn't!" ha ha ha, thank heavens I have a hat on I was frightening that day. Sad that I already feel huge compared to a couple months ago. :( I hope our garden thrives!